Friday, 19 June 2015

Getting started with Linux

          It's been quite long now since I've been asked about learning Linux. In the light of same numerous requests, I've decided to scribble-up some thing to help readers to understand and get started with Linux. This one is specially written for some of my close friends who always ask me how to get started Linux, Many generally ask me which book should I refer. And I keep telling them there is no such thing as book for learning Linux, I would like to say this might as well imply to any kind of learning process. I would specially like to ask those impatient peoples to slow down their gears who are just impatiently wanting to do some thing. Many individuals which I've came across usually have misconception about learning Linux, they often see it as memorizing commands, if you are one of them, then you are darn wrong about it!. Linux is simple to get started, but what I am trying to convey might be bit much more than just being able to use an operating systems with help of some commands. I believe Linux is much more than being able to run some fancy commands. Linux introduced me to idea of open-source, prior to which my world of computing was pretty much tied up with windows, where I was using things that were given to me in the way they are presented by some propitiatory organization with their own mindset about it, now when I think back about it I feel more like I some jack-ass who is given a sliced tomato when apple is demanded, this might be an bad example in simple word you often are given thing which someone wants to sell, may be there is a way to do things you want but it will always be the seller who will be deciding how and what for you. Linux offered me much more than that, freedom, flexibility to changed it to suite my requirements, I didn't had to wait any more for anyone do it for me, instead it gave me power to change thing for my betterment and also opened me to endless possibilities and ideas shared by many others.

          In term of being able to do thing on Linux I can pretty much manage do everything on Linux which average person does on his desktop workstation etc, so what difference does it makes on Linux? this a good question, one might ask, well to answer this, might be as simple  as It just let me do things I want it to do. next one coming would be "how come so?" well to answer that I would say I've always known more  than one way of doing same thing does that satisfies anyone no!. fun fact is you can always chose the way of doing thing, the way that you understand the best. If things don't work go and ask help in community, you will get a very good feedback(WARNING: many Linux communities don't encourage spoon feeding.) Initial phase of getting reply might be tough, but once you get the hang of it, you will find them much friendly and helpful in some time and by the time you reach there you will nothing you are better understanding your challenges. I've matured my Linux skills in relatively much friendly forum community but I too had my difficulties earlier, It's not just the Linux but to start any thing new you will always face difficulties, but thing keeps on getting better as more time you spend with it. Often people turn their back to Linux due to unable to succeed in their first attempt or may be two or three, many say it is hard! it's difficult! actually it is not about It's simple or hard fact is you don't know much about it, so how to know more? simple ask questions! to whom ? Linux community is very huge one and many of them definitely take out some time to help  each other. These days google and youtube is good friend, in most cases finding " how to?" is easily available  on these but, that may not be always enough doing thing, learning is no fun unless you share it with someone, so you can participate any or many communities over internet or around your. If your are afraid Linux is very big to learn  or too much to learn, and feel like "I can't do it", or "I don't have time" well In that case I would like to tell you learning is a continuous process one never stops learning new things, quantity doesn't matter one should try to get quality and that can be achieved by simply understanding things rather than memorizing way to do them.

          Many might end-up on this blog expecting to get some sort of command, or may be some cool download which will do the magic for them. But one may not find any such thing in here at-least on this post, as told earlier getting started with Linux is not about know n number of commands or being able to do some freaking stuff over commands, Getting actually stared with Linux is about understanding what is happening  beneath, it about freedom its about transparency it is about being part of something you like, it about sharing, it about being able to see the things from your own point of view and able to perform them on your computer, for me this has not just limited to the world of computing but  has opened new way of thinking openly and much broader scope. Getting started with Linux is about participation in development for everyone, understanding things happening in computing and guiding it with your vision up-to fulfil your requirements and it's also about having fun at same time while doing all this, those who are not much into computing can simply see to it as flexible way of doing thing with better understanding about it same time.  well how will you participate in above thing? first thing get handicap your daily computing. doesn't mean to break your computer by hitting it with hammer or throwing it away from window, instead remove your regular operating system and install Linux on your pc try doing usual routine things on it. it's only when you will push yourself to do things and take your steps in understanding what is that running on your pc. Next thing would be joining community, join some forums ask for helps, use google etc and that should get started. Final word for the post don't wait for some holy book  or some one else to guide your way instead start finding your one way to do thing and then you will actually get started with Linux. I am closing my little conversation over here and Let you guys decide your own path of learning Linux.

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